Selecting a Chair

To see more about categories and fit, click here

To see our chairs, click here

For more information on our mechanisms, please click here

For more information on our arms, click here.

For more information, please see Features & Upgrades

To check out our fabric selection, visit Fabrics.

Additional Help
If you need further advice or assistance, please call (800) 468-2475. Our friendly, knowledgeable Customer Service staff will be happy to help.
How to Order
Our chairs are sold through office furniture dealers and on various state and government contracts. Please contact one of our State Representatives, (we have them listed on our How to Order page), or call us for more information about our chairs and how to find a dealer in your area.
(800) 468-2475
(585) 468-2875
(585) 468-2804
Mailing address
PO Box 898
Nunda, NY 14517
Product Codes
Example of a Product Code
Category: 300 Everyday for data entry clerk, single shift
Series: Style & Model: Contour Task Medium Back
Mechanism: Q25 Advanced knee tilt with quick set back
Arms: Adjustable height, T-style arm with width adjustment brackets
Textile: Icon Black
Options & Upgrades: TLC Foam seat and soft twin wheel casters for use on hard floors
Product Code: CO211 Q25 TC WAB TLCS STW Gr. 1 Icon Black
IMPORTANT: Before submitting your order, refer to our shipping information to determine if (or how much) freight charges will be added to your order.
Place your order by fax, US mail, or email. Be sure to include your company name, address, phone number, fax number, PO number, and any special instructions. Include a contact name and extension in case there are any questions regarding your order. Make sure to include a shipping address if it is different than the bill to address.